Monday, December 5, 2005

indie mixtape #1 Vol.1

*Note this mixtape was made about two years ago so if the songs seem played out im sorry.   1.Bright eyes- Lover I don't have to love 2.Postal Service- The district sleeps alone tonight 3.Postal Service- Such Great Heights 4....and you will know us by the trail of dead- Another morning Stoner 5.The Strokes- reptilia 6.Murder by death- im afraid of whos afraid of virgina wolf 7.Murder by deth-you are the last dragon 8.Cursive-A game of who needs who the worse 9.Cursive-The night I lost the will to fight 10.Cursive- A career in transcendence 11.Q and not U- Soft pyramids 12.Q and not U-black plastic bag 13.Q and not U-Fever Sleeves 14.Pretty Girls Make graves-something bigger something brighter 15.Pretty Girls make graves-mr. Club 16.Pretty Girls make graves-Blue lights 17.Action aCTION- DRUG LIKE 18.ima robot-Dynomite 19.The faint-Agenda suicide 20.Radio Berlin- D.E.S. 21.Modest Mouse- the world at large

stand inside your love....a smashing pumpkins mixtape

1.The Smahing Pumpkins-Churb rock 2.The Smahing Pumpkins-the everlasting gaze 3.The Smahing Pumpkins-Eye 4.The Smahing Pumpkins-Ava adore 5.The Smahing Pumpkins-perfect 6.The Smahing Pumpkins-drown 7.The Smahing Pumpkins-1979 8.The Smahing Pumpkins-never let me down again (depeche mode cover) 9.The Smahing Pumpkins-tonight tonight 10.The Smahing Pumpkins-disarm 11.The Smahing Pumpkins-stand inside your love 12.The Smahing Pumpkins-Eye of the morning 13.The Smahing Pumpkins-try try try 14.The Smahing Pumpkins-mayonaise 15.The Smahing Pumpkins-galapagos 16.The Smahing Pumpkins-landslide (fleetwood mac cover) 17.The Smahing Pumpkins-to sheila 18.The Smahing Pumpkins-Mellon collie and the infinate sadness

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Explosions in the sky

I haven't been reading much or writing much as of late.  I haven't really been busy but i fell into a weird pattern.  But I changed that tonight because I sat on my porch like I used to and I had my coffee and smoked a bunch of cigarettes and thought.  My house is in the direct flight pattern of airplanes and its strange because they don't fly near my house or around it they fly right on top of it and it gets annoying sometimes especially because it cuts the satellite out at times.  And as I saw the headlights and followed them until they were gone I couldn't help but think of the people in them.  How many people were going to see family they hadn't seen in years and how happy they must have been.  Or how many people were running away from something or starting a fresh life somewhere else.  How many people were running away from their lives essentially.  Leaving themselves behind...or so they hoped.  Then I thought of dads going home to their families or lovers who were reunited once again.  And How all of these people travel together and they each have their own story.  In the confines of such a small space and such an amazing action they are transported for better or worse.  And it struck me how similar the plains and the passengers were to each other.  The plain travels in darkness with its lights on wandering an empty sky trying to reach its final destination safe and sound and with everyone happy.  And that in essence is what people do.  They travel in the darkness alone with their light on and try to reach their final destination safe and sound.  So to all of you looking and leaving; finding and forgetting; loving an loathing, Bon Voyage

Monday, November 28, 2005

The soundtrack to your suicide mixtape

1.  Echo and the bunnymen- the killing moon 2.  joy division- atmosphere 3. Joy Division- Love will tear us apart 4. lou reed- walk on the wild side 5. Smashing pumpkins- To sheila 6. ryan adams- Chela nights 7. Ryan Adams-Wonderwall 8. The smiths- asleep 9. Straylight run- existentialism on promnight 10. Straylight run- Mistakes we knew we were making 11. Cursive- A Career in trancendence 12. Thursday- Division st. (Acoustic version) 13. Tursday- This side of brightness (Apple in store acoutic) 14. Thrice- stare at the sun (Acoustic version) 15. The church- under the milky way 16. Sigur Rios- Starfur 17. Radiohead- Talk show on mute 18. ...and you will know us  by the trail of dead- Intelligence

Monday, November 7, 2005

your finger on the trigger

"And now he was alone...stained by his mistakes...immagined himself as the protagonist in a series of still photographs, each picture snapped from a more distant perspective than the last."

"In the quiet words of the virgin mary...come again"

"She'd seen the hobgoblins who were riding shitgun with the drugs and the booze and handsome boys, knew what there was to know and simply didn't give a shit."

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

an open letter

This is an open letter to longing and loneliness and compulsion and to her and the other and to you.  Its dizzying, love, and when i do i talk myself out of it.  I talk myself out of whatever im feeling for anyone at any given point.  I try to stay nutral and i say things that i mean but i mean them out of impulse.  I say things to kill the loneliness even if its just for a second.  And I wish things came true and things worked out the way i wanted them to but then again so does everyone else.  If things were easy there would be no point no mystery.  But then again im sick of playing this game.  I want out.  I want it to end.  I want to find someone I can tolerate and maybe even love and end the game.  I want to kill the compulsion and the things we do and say to get ourselvs through the night.  I want you to be able to feel what i say and what I do and what i mean.  And when I say im sorry I want you to know that if I could i'd take away everything sad you've ever felt.  And i know that she'll never love me and sometimes its not so bad she just becomes a thought and a lingering feeling something to kill the loneliness.  But when i think about her touch and her face and her smile...then i just want it all to end.  So i'll look at whats left and take my last gasping breath and hope my heart stops beating because after this theres no looking back.  i have become the broken lighthouse who no longer sends the singnal.  I have become that broken person.  And it will all be crystalized in regret sooner or later but i think for now we'll just the chips fall where they may and you can go ahead and try to picl up the pices but im done with that im done trying.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


The vacant pleasantries of our unwound existence have woven time and death together in a spider web of lies.  All we know is but what we hope is true.  And truth for that matter is a mere reflex of what we've been trained to think.  Truth has no barring on the real world.  No one wants truth we want to flourish in our lies.  Lies of being handsome, wealthy...lies that will further us when truth can only hold us back.  And as the bright sun flourishes slightly clouded by haze so will my soul it will flourish slightly clouded by disgrace.  The empty loving feelings of a shell is all I have to offer.  So take me IM yours.  Vacancy

Thursday, October 20, 2005

a poem about she

The rains refrain called back to us

It sang us our sins

It sang us our longing

It sang us everything we wanted but could never be

And the turbulent skies

Matched her gray eyes

Windows to a soul that will never be tamed

And I, her flawed suitor

Who had nothing to offer


So let’s have another drink

We can lick the salt from each others lips

And kiss away the regrets of our yesteryear

Monday, October 17, 2005

Dark Celebration

Heres the playlist for the untitled darkwave mixtape i made a while back.  I sent it to taina but i don't think she made it.  I decided I should post a few of the playlists so that you boys and girls at home can make and enjoy them yourselves...enjoy and let me know what you think

~Casey"The mixtape whore" christened by taina

DARK CELEBRATION   1. Depeche Mode- Precious 2. Depeche Mode- Policy of truth 3. Depeche Mode- World in my eyes 4. Dpeceche Mode- Enjoy the silence 5. Depeche Mode- Black Celebration 6. Bauhaus-Terror couple kill colonel 7. Bauhaus- in the flat field 8. Bauhaus- Bella Lugoisi's dead 9. Joy Division- Isolation 10.Joy Division- The eternal 11.Joy division- Decades 12.Idiot Pilot- The Violent Tango 13.Idiot Pilot- Lucid 14.The Church- Under The Milky way

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I know im not a poet

These lucid dreams destroy all reality

And as I sit and write these words

I realize I write so that one day I may right my wrongs

And as these words progress,

Encapsulated in the eye of the storm

I think about you…whoever you may be,

And the day the world stops turning.

But until that day

The world will rage on

It will fulfill its destiny and mine,

Hidden in the clouds

Until the day the rain will bring it to the tips of our tongues

Until the day we are given the courage to speak our destiny

…And finally accept our lives for what they are.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

framed in a doorway

"Yes Terrible things happen but sometimes, those terrible things- they save you."- Chuck palahniuk

"If you know a lot about the world that knowledge makes itslef plain on your face.  At first this can be a frightening thing to know, but you get used to it.  Somtimes it can be off-putting.  But i think its only off-putting to people who are worried that they themselves are learning too much too quickly.  Knowing too much about the world can make you unloving and maybe unloveable."- Douglas coupland

"And i thought about us...these children who fell down lifes cartoon holes.  Dreaming children, alive but not living- we emerged on the otherside of the cartoon holes fully awake...and discovering we were whole"- douglas coupland

Monday, October 10, 2005


"Shes heaven imagine loosing heaven"

"Your my baby now.  Your  a thousand diamonds- a handful of lovers rings- chalk for a million hopscotch games"

"Did you ever think that love wasn't going to happen to you?...pretty much...And when it did happen to you how did you feel?...Happy.  Then i got afraid that it would vanish as quickly as it came.  That it was accidental-that i didn't deserve it.  Its like this ver, very nice car crash that never ends."

Sunday, October 9, 2005

strungout like christmas lights

"When we die these are the stories that stay on our lips.  The stories we'll only tell to strangers, sompleace private in the padded cell of midnight.  These important stories, we rehearse them in out heards for years but never tell.  These stories are ghosts, bringing people back from the dead.  Just for a moment.  For a visit.  Every story is a ghost."-Chuck palahniuk...haunted

Saturday, October 8, 2005

A vodka enduced poem that you will probably hate

Memories of you

and these unfinished thoughts

have become to much to bare

the cold refrain

and the moon calling out,

calling out for the nights it watched over us

it saw your smile and like I wanted more

but where have you gone?

Where have you dissapeared?

deep in your heart where things go to die?!

But thats where you kept me wasn't it...

in your heart where i died

I was the drunk romantic who only thought he know about life and love

And you were the transparancies that projected what I always loved and wanted but could never have.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Sitting on those steps with the warm wind blowing in my face and blue skies you wonder how people don't find beauty in the world anymore, even the gray horizon where the smog met the blue sky was beautiful.  And somewhere along the way I can't help feeling like there was something major I missed.  Almost like I completely blacked out when people were discovering the point to all life.  And sometimes I can't help feeling like IM due for a miracle, something that seems everyone else has, even though I get this sinking feeling I'll...we'll never get it.  I guess were all just waiting for an end and I hope when it does happen its on a day as beautiful as this with someone I love.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

how long can we take this chance not to celebrate

You ever go outside and feel overwhelmed by the world?  It seems to just hit you and all at once you realize that everything is alive and dieing at the same time.  Everything is always changing always reacting, so you try to not change or react.  You try to stop the world from turning.  You even try to stop dieing but then you realize that you can’t.  It’s a sad feeling when you look at something and realize that’s its never going to look that exact same way ever again, and neither will you for that matter.  Some people can’t handle this so they try to freeze themselves to that one particular moment in time, but it never works.  Things have a way of catching up with you, and usually it happens all at once.  Too often we read into things that don’t really matter and we run away from what we really think and feel.  We stop ourselves from processing life’s magic in exchange for a false understanding of what life should be, only to learn in the end that life wasn’t what you thought it was.  Then you wish to make up for all that lost time…but it will never be granted.  So learn to see the magic again before things catch up with you and its too late.  Because in reality the only bad day is the one that you miss. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

You know your a geek when...

                                                       TYLER (V.O.)

          That's Bodhi.  They call him the Bodhisattva.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

beauty is where you find it

From the day we're born we're addicted.  From the day we're born were set into a mold, into a typecast that will be our life.  Who to love who to hate how to lie...starving for attention, for our 15 minutes of nothing.  Over caffinated over exposed over weight over our lives and essentially waiting for it all ot be over...for our lives to be over despite the fact that throughout our lives thats the only thing we'll never be able to get over.  But hey, whats a few pints of blood and a few gallons of tears between friends...whats a few unbreakable habbits and a little distruction amongst lovers.  And theres nothing like heartbreak to color up your life just a bit, and somehow it all feels least it feels right.  At least were provided with something we know.  And despite how much we loath it all we'd feel lost without it...after all its what we know.  We live in this surreal world sourrounded by things with no real value and imposed meaning.  Were sourrounded by so many things we can't hold or see or touch.  We live in this corporate world sourrounded by logos and when did cyber space replace reality and when did we become trapt in our computers.  Who made this decision and when did we let it happen, when did our lives become sponsored logos and when, if ever are we going to do something about it.  When was the last time you tried to look at the sky, do you remember a time when you could just look up and see sky, when was the last time we found beauty in something as simple as the moon  WE LIVE OUR LIVES  BETWEEN STOPSIGNS AND STREET LIGHTS.  When are we going to stop being afraid to live and when are we going to take our foot off the fuckng break.  It feels so much better to coast into a brick wall than to stop two inches in front of it so hold on...hols on tight because im putting my foot on the gas and we're going full speed ahead and nothing is going ot stop this

Saturday, August 6, 2005

untitled tequila transcribed paragraph

Take a shot of heart and chase it with soul because those who have no heart nor soul have nothing which will equil something (in the end)  So take mine because I have enough to give...(i offer it so do this in memory of me). With my heart and soul you will wander the lost poet of love and dishonor mixing words with chemicals until they find a meaning that means what you impose on it.  I'll live inside of you in your belly and blood slowly poisoning you until you are six feet under.  So take the road to the sun because it seems the brightest and with light shone upon your path you dare not stray so never betray for if you betray your heart and soul will evaporate and you will decay...decay and demise in your decidance! so leave me now and use the entrence as your final exit

Sunday, July 3, 2005

My social consiousness has been awaken?

IN the suburbs of sodomy

reign the leaders of this economy...

HEll and its minions

While millions,

die and suffer

So feel free to call my bluff

But while your elected official takes a puff

...but dosn't inhale

Know that they have impaled; the working class

and now, were living in the aftermath

But of course this will only perpetuate the cycle, and you'll be left to decipher....what this all means!

Monday, June 27, 2005

The sweetest dreams...have murdered me

As this tale of tragedy and woe unfold into utter boredom know that prolific writers are the poster childs of perversion and insanity, so before you crucify me and castrate my soul know that I am sorry for writing this and exposing the truth because, lets face it we love to loath our lives and we'd love to live our lies.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

This blank page reflects my empty soul.  My tales of woe and tragedy have been translated into nothing?  Into something?  the translation that transcends.  Parasite to host.  Pay it foreward.  And now i'm empty inside until it returns to me with the battle scars of love and death, burned and bruised, torn and freyed.  But for now I will wait the empty vestle until we are reunited like lovers lost at war.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

As close to an explation as your gonna get

So we're set up to fail, What the fuck was that all about you say?!  Well I was talking to a friend and the topic of amounting more than your parents ever did came up.  And It was interesting because in essence thats what all parents want, is for their children to do better than they did.  But what if your bill gates kid or a hilton, i mean then its like, where do we go from here?  Sometimes the bar is set so high that faliure is inevitable.  Almost like your reason for existance is to fail.  Its kind of tragic.  So the i started thinking maybe the whole point isn't to to be financially better off or anything like that but rather to learn more than they did and to experience more than they did.  To gain more wisdom earlier and have it last longer.  So if i fail you mom, dad if i can't take care of you in your old age im sorry, so sorry but the fact of the matter is I know more at 18 then you did when you had me.  And i'm sorry i'm a fuck up and....well maybe i won't ammount to anything but at least i have experienced more than some and I may be set up to fail but in all honesty failure never looked so good!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Thursday, May 12, 2005

If sad songs sink ships then the smiths sank the titanic

If what they say is true.  If home is where the heart is then i'm fucked!  home and everything it stands for is gone.  For me.  The difference betwen a house and a home, being loved and being alone.  If home is where you make it then my home is stained red and lives in these pages.  In these stained, torn, used pages I am myself.  In these pages being ugy, and a fuck up, and alone, and an asshole don't seem so bad.  In these pages I can live.  In these pages I find My salvation.

[Insert catchy one liner here______]

And like a wave without warning it comes: love, hate, passion, sorrow.  White, cold, fast.  A wave of misplaced thoughts and meaningless feelings.  Death distruction, the end of days.  I want it all.  I want to walk in the acid rain as the world comes crashing down.  I wan't it to was over me.  I wan't to be submerged and baptised by all the things you hate and I hold dear.  I want to be detached, plucked, white, cold fast.  I wan't to roam in the empty nights with the dreams of the forgotten. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Me Vs. God? Vs. Myself

The war inside of us is being waged.  The war between believing and not believeing accepting god or calling him the bastard that he is.  This duality is who we are.  We will never fully accept or deny.  There will always be an itch that vulnerability passing the blame passing the buck out of sight out of mind.  Its in this struggle I realize that I am a mere mortal, flesh and blood, I am no more a vestle of spirituality or a hoast of salvation as anyone else and i won't pretend like I am.  But I, like everyone else exist in a world filled with symbols, where nothing is what it seems.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Concentrating on falling apart

In this world where nothing seems real where nothing is what it seems in this world where we cry ourselvs to sleep where we would give anything to escape where we do anything to escape.  In this world we are all alone.  Alone and left to deal with ourselvs.  In the dark and left with nothing but our thoughts, our hopes, our dreams, our fears, our faliures, our miseries.  When were left with nothing its the red ink that stains this page that we have left.  We are all on a quest, on a journey.  We are all on the front battling our demons.  We are all stuck in the same wasteland.  The wasteland between being born and the day you die.

Friday, May 6, 2005

Quotes I quote too often...or not enough

"I wonder how much of their lives people waste crying and praying to god"- United States of Leland

"I think i'm a broken person.  I serioulsy question the road my life has taken and I endlessly rehash the compromises I have made in my life"- Douglas Coupland

"...its scarry to feel you emotions floating away and just not caring"- Douglas Coupland


Mourned but not Missed

The last time I saw you we traded insults

And eventhought I loved you I dare not say it

I kept my secrets my defeats

For the past two years you've been away

breaking hearts and meeting new lovers along the way...

At least thats what they say

Now your back and what am I to do? 

I'm in love with another and i still think of you

But if my silly poem could rearrange the alphabet i'd put U and I together forever, the way it should have been

The Stopwatch Sequence

Time is of the essence, your long since forgotten fragrance, gunpowder and cigarets, the things broken hearts are made of

Time is of the essence, my long since forgotten presence, quiet and collected with storms in my eyes

I thought I loved you, but what I loved was the thought of loving you

So take all those snapshots of heaven, the ones I held dear

and replace them with all your fake tears

Because in retrospect all you were was something warm to hold on to

When two become one

The desperation in our lives will melt your tears away,  disintigration is just the begining but together we will rise from the ashes, the phoenix of distruction, a diamond in the ruff

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The web of lies we spin will suffocate our love

The face of lovers

Are but masks that we wear

You implore emty hearts

And leave their chests bare

The Twisted lives of lovers

That were neve really there

And the face of this lover is anything but a mask

Its the life, love, and everafter of a honeymoon pair

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

quote of the day. Douglas coupland Life after God

"I told her everybody feels lost when they're young.  But she says theres a difference.  She tells me that at least when she was young she felt lost in her own special way.  Now she just feels like everyone else.  She remember when the world was full of wonder-when life was a strand of magic moments strung together, a succession of mysteries revealed...she remembers back when all it took to make her feel like she was a part of the stars was to simply talk about things like death and life and the universe."

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Heres my Mark

Change is impossible in a worldly sense.  All we can ever hope to do is leave a mark.  All we have ever done, as humans is leave a mark.  But how do you convey tangibles?, lust, hate...feelings in general?  One day if not already, the world will become a set of footstep and you will step where at least someone else has stepped.  Theres nothing left to conquere, no more magical places with mystery and monsters.  What were left with is unfinished property lined fences, litter, and the life of the forgotten.  All we can ever hope to do is leave our mark.  Something that will stand the test of time.  Something that will mean something to someone.  Something real!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

...More Gen X quotes

"Are you the stranger that will rescue me?  Starved for affection, terrified of abandonment."

"But there invariably comes a certain point where our youth fails us; where college fails us; where mom and dad fauk us."

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Generation X and the quote of the day

"You really have to wonder why we even bother to get up in the morning.  I mean, really:  Why work?  Simply to buy more stuff?  Thats just not enough, look at us all."

"I should realize that the only reason we all go to work in the morning is because we're terrfied of what would happen if we stopped.  We're not built for free time as a species.  We think we are but we aren't."

"why is it so impossible to de-complicate my life?"

glorifying mediocrity

Its funny how our memories defeat us.  How in retrospect we remember things better or worse than they really were.  Everytime you think about something great or something painful that you have done or have had done to you it always seems magnified, that much better or that much worse.  Eventually we even stop feeling and it becomes but an empy memory with feeling that should be there.  But I guess thats how we get by, glorifying mediocrity, making things that much better than they really were.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

douglas coupland and the quote of the day

These set of quotes are from the book "Generation X" by douglas coupland.  I picked up "Generation X" and "Life after God".  Coupland is a good read.

"We spend our youth attaining wealth and our wealth attaining youth"

"All your doing with your life is collecting objects and nothing more"

"its all over; kind of scarry, kind of sexy, and tainted by regret, a lot like life, wouldn't you say?"

Sunday, February 6, 2005

is life worth living

"To make life worth living a man or woamn has to have a great love or a great cause...i have neither."- Robert E. Howard

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Quote of the day

"There is no human soul.  Emotion is bullshit.  Love is bullshit.  We live and we die and everything else is just delusion.  Just made-up subjective emotional crap.  There is no soul.  There is no God.  There's just decisions and disease and death."- Chuck palahnik


Tonight we'll die in each others arems for the last time The autumn leaves rain down on us  in orange and gold, like ashes sprinkeled across the sky, the ashes of love letters burned and a love lost We both know the urn on the mantle holds my heart So drive this stake and twist the dagger but the jokes on you because when i said "i love you" i ment i'd like to pass the time

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Quote of the day

"Alone is all we are, even when we feel this close, its just a lie we believe."- Thursday (between rupture and rapture)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


"Relligion" if this offends you welcome to the world of  sane and realistic critical thought.  More harm has been done to the collective human psyche by religion than by all the fucking and cock sucking since the dawn of time.  By the way, many religious people (including the ordained) fuck and suck each other's cocks all the time"- George Carlin

Monday, January 17, 2005

Quote of the day

Every thirty seconds, 30 acres of rain forest are destroyed in order to raise beef for fast- food restaurants that sell it to people, giving then strokes and hear attacks, which raise medical cost and insurance rates, providing insurance companies with more money to invest in large corporations that branch out further into third world countries so they can destroy more rain forests. - George Carlin


Nothing is or ever will be perfect!  To strive for perfection is to live in your flaws.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Quote of the day

This is my BOOM stick! It's a twelve guage double barrel Remington, S-Marts top of the line, you can find this in the sporting goods department, that's right…this sweet baby was made around rapids Michigan…retails for about 109.95…its got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger.  That's right shop smart…Shop S-Mart! - Bruce Campbell (Ash, army of darkness)

Call it like i see it

When did we become so sedated, when did we just decide to stop fighting?...Maybe the problem got so big we just shut down.  Maybe we realized faliure is inevitable.  When did we become so diluted?...When will people realize that we have been stripped of our culture?...When will they realize that the world they live in is a world of advertisements?...A world based on consumption and wants?...When will we realize we have been stripped of our very means of existence?...When did living become a chore instead of an adventure?

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Quote of the day

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting by the world forgot: Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind! Each prayer accepted, each wish resigned.- Alexander pope

Others faliures become my accomplishments

Why is it that we always remember our failures and never our accomplishments?  All your accomplishments will never add up to one failure.  That girl that got away, the job you never got, the lottery.  Even Columbus must have felt like a failure…almost but not quite, close but no cigar.  Even God is a failure, if not with you then with someone else, maybe even the world.  Maybe the apocalypse already happened, maybe Jesus was the second coming, maybe Noah was the coca roach that kept us all alive, the parasite that refused to die, the dog that wouldn’t leave.  Either way we have all failed and will fail.  Eventually you realize that with each breath we will destroy something.  Love, hate, someone else, ourselves….its just the chips falling into place.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

quote of the day

"People will be happy to give up most of their culture for the assurance that the tiny bit that comes through is safe and clean.  White noise."- Chuck Palahniuk

"Beauty is a construct of the culture."- Chuck Palahniuk

"...The way everyday of you life, the way it can just disapear in front of the television"- Chuck Palahniuk


If this offends you, well, fuck you.  I’m tired of being censored because people find things offensive.  Just because you don’t approve doesn’t mean I am going to accommodate you.  If you don’t like something stay the fuck away from it.  But no, that’s not enough, you can’t sleep knowing there is something out there that you don’t agree with, so like every proud American, you bitch and moan until they make me shut the fuck up just so people will get you to shut the fuck up.  No longer will I be told what to do because others don’t like it.  I hope this offended you in the worst possible way, because that means I achieved what I wanted haha.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Quote of the day

"You have to ask yourself, is the juice worth the squeeze?"- Tim Olyphant

"Why do girls have boobs?...So you have something to look at while your talking to them"- Peter Griffin (Family guy)

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

quote of the day

"To be young and hopeless is to be terminally ill."-Me

"We are the song makers we are the dreamers of the dreams."- Willy Wonka

"To alcahol the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!"- Homer Simpson

Monday, January 10, 2005

quote of the day

"We live as we dream, alone!"- joseph conrad, heart of darkness

"When did the future become a threat instead of a promise?"- Chuck palahniuk

...To whom it may concern

Tonight the world will end, the black cloud of regrets hangs over your heads,...heres to the things we never said the things we all regret, what of all our memories, all our hopes, all our dreams, are the empty feelings or vicious schemes, our memories betray us bitter sweet, they key to greatness, a window to defeat, the eternal sunshine to our ignorant bliss, the things i'll remember, the things i'll miss, i know theres no "I" in forever, however, your fading face makes me regret this heres to the things we never said, the things we all regret, the eternal sunshine to our ignorant bliss a fading forever the things i'll miss!

Sunday, January 9, 2005


It has been raining for about twelve days give or take.  I love the rain.  As i was walking in the rain i began to think...Each drop of rain is is regret, a faliure, someone longing to restart, with each drop comes a new beginning, with each drop comes a new end.  The world can only hold so much,...people can only hold so much, before it all comes down, with each drop comes a loss of hope...God..Love, with each drop comes another unanswered prayer, a prayer rejected, a soul longing to return, with each drop of rain comes another reason why we shouldn't be here... A chance I should have taken.

quote of the day

"IM the antichrist, you got me in a vendetta kinda mood, you tell all the angels in heaven you never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you"- Christopher Walken- True Romance

Saturday, January 8, 2005

heartbreaks and harpsichords

*Heartbreaks & Harpsichords*
I close my eyes to your Kodak smile, paperback romances and our drugstore affair, tidal waves of memories and a forgotten lifetime, Remember the nights we saw the sun fall in the sky, the nights we swore we'd never die,...The night i looked into your eyes,...We live we love we die, the story of out lives


Tonight i'll stay awake long enough to count the stars

...Tomorow won't come if we dont let it

Remember the last time i saw you, you said "Never change"

I said "you'll always stay the same"

We'll toast pink champaign and gassoline

So heres to the things we never said, the things we all regret


quote of the day

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"- james dean

"And this scene is painted in all the fashions of the moment"- thursday (autobiography of a nation)

"all we are is all we'll be we think today we say say tomorow"- cursive (a career in transcendence