Monday, April 17, 2006

Waiting room 206

Take a drag of life
Chase it with a shot of slow suicide
Here in the waiting room,
Old men come to die
Their dreams and their defeats,
Haunt you.
Take them on and drown in ambition
The sizzle of your souls recognition of an end
Taste the bitter nicotine of life
Sadness as sharp as a razor and whit to match.
Tattoo a tear...
For every year she dosn't love you
Every year your alone
Every year you die
Every year you forget to be happy
Beware of the waiting room
Where young men come to die,
Where happiness becomes measured by whisky,
And drags of crumbling beauty
Tattoo a smile...
For everytime you see her face
Everytime she made you smile
...Everytime you remember...You're still alive

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