Tuesday, October 16, 2007

History Always Repeats Itself

And here we are again

full circle.



each time with greater intent.

Traced over and emphasized.

A reorganization,

a reexamination

of this cesspool

of this tainted species

of this file cabinet lifestyle.



genderless slaves

whipped by a time clock

maimed by a cubicle

stripped of their identity

by a managerial house slave;

a lapdog to the dollar.

My friend,

you are still one of us!

You are still a cog in a deteriorating

lifestyle obsession gone awry.

We are the Egyptians.

We are the Romans.

We are the Aztecs.

We will become the nothingness that ensues.

We will fade into obscurity

scrutinized for our lack of life,

our lack of meaning.

Tomorrow morning,

the workforce drowning in their efficiency

will wake up to their deaths.

But who will write their obituaries?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like how you bring something more modern like the metaphor of being maimed by a cubicle and tied it into a piece of history as you did by mentioning the Aztecs.  Again you provide tons of metaphors which helps to display this fantastic imagery.  I’m beginning to think metaphors and relations are your strongholds.  You really do have a terrific talent.