Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Rising Tide

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
for he to-day that sheds his blood with me
shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
this day shall gentle his condition:
and gentlemen in England now a-bed
shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
that fought with us…”

We are the new legs on this tired revolution.
We are the salt of the earth.
We keep them clothed.
We keep them fed.
We teach their children.
But we have been robbed of our history.
Our compliance and our quiet candor
has removed us of our voice.
We have stood back and watched.
We’ve watched our peers die on the street.
We’ve watched our children starve.
We’ve watched our children go cold.
We’ve watched them get rich of the sweat off our backs.
We sat back and watched as they turned our culture against us,
as they tried to make us feel savage; inferior.
But they were the ones, who raped our women;
our goddesses of this earth,
while we sat back and thanked them
when they gave us these slave wages.
We’ve sold our lives, our creativity
and our silence has only strengthened them;
embolden these faceless men who run the big show.
Always them and never us,
but we are as much to blame.
I compel my brothers
(Blue collar slaves)
and I beg my sisters
(white collared indentured servants)
to stand and take back their worth.
Stand tall in unity and feel your worth…
own your own lives.
Each one of us is a brick of defiance
that will shatter this glass cage we’ve been put in.
Allowed to see the world but never allowed to touch it;
experience it.
It’s time we waged our own genocide;
against injustice.
Against false governments
and controlling religions.
Denounce your faith and be free.
You can become God
and this world can become your kingdom.
Let this be the spark
that ignites the first molotov cocktail;
that burns the first church or
capital building.
Let this be your near life experience.
Let this be the white light
you’ve been waiting to walk through;
to cross over.
Let this be the start of the life you’ve been promised.
Let this be the start of your self revolution.
Let this be the start of your salvation.
“¡Prefiero morir de pie que vivir simpre arrodillado!”

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