Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunrise On The Face Of Dawn

In the seemingly endless desperation of youth

a pebble becomes a boulder

a kiss becomes a passionate love affair

a quiet conversation becomes a haunting destiny.

It’s through our brothers and sisters

through sinners and saints

that we are acquainted with life and death.

As the blurred chaos of this war,

of this struggle;

as our lives rage on

my eyes catch a glimpse of glory

perfection personified in a beauty beyond words

a flash of a smile that forgave me of my sins.

Her embrace was home.

The look in her eyes was the magic of being reborn,

of looking at a world of endless possibility.

My heart drowned in her brown ocean

swirling with the tide

kissed by perfection, the way the sea kisses the shore.

So smile because we have youth,

Smile because we have love,

Smile because we have each other,

Smile because nothing will ever be this good again.

And always remember the mornings

we’d wake up on the sand still dreaming

still living.

Kids waiting for their lives to begin,

For their dreams to be over.

But I’ll never forget the stars in your eyes

or the sunrise on your face.

So always remember the mornings I’d hold you close and whisper in your ear

“Life is at our door, morning is at our window

and our whole lives are ahead of us”.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Alcohol + The Power of Myth= Casey's Eternal Thoughts

Heaven and hell exist in a fictitious realm.  They exist in an obscure
dance we have within ourselves.  The minds passing of judgment on simple
situations.  Heaven and hell are the minds limitations.  The framework by
which we judge our current situations (i.e.  pleasantries vs. non
pleasantries).  Along with time and narcissism they are what prevent us as
a species from expressing our full potential.

Eternity is the passing moment with no reflex to the concept of time.  The
minds ability to exist without restraint is in fact the moment when the
body transcends itself and becomes one with the eternity which surrounds
it.  The notion of heaven and hell as an afterlife or something that begins
the second you cease to live is contrary to the concept that is eternity.
If heaven and hell are eternal then they exist as we exist.  They are
limitless and without end.  No beginning and no ending.  Heaven and hell
transcend the implications and limits we put on them, and, just like the
mind are various states of being.

The notion of eternity, beginning when we cease, is the human mind trying
to wrap its limitations on a tangible state.  The moment the mind exists
without restraint or knowledge of itself is a moment of eternity.  When the
mind is free of such implications and merely exists in situations without
reflex or the passing of any judgment, we in turn become divine.  We can
then observe things objectively, without any restraining implications.

Once the mind is allowed to flex its limitless potential, we are allowed to
transcend the physical realm and enter an eternity of enlightenment.
Heaven and hell are the minds perceptions of the life the vessel leads.
Rather than being an afterlife they are the minds waking reflex to the
situations it is presented with.  They are subjective states of being that
we create to pass judgment on ourselves.  Henceforth once the mind is able
to exist without judgment or the confines we place on it we will evolve
from the notions of heaven and hell and merely exist with eternity.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

History Always Repeats Itself

And here we are again

full circle.



each time with greater intent.

Traced over and emphasized.

A reorganization,

a reexamination

of this cesspool

of this tainted species

of this file cabinet lifestyle.



genderless slaves

whipped by a time clock

maimed by a cubicle

stripped of their identity

by a managerial house slave;

a lapdog to the dollar.

My friend,

you are still one of us!

You are still a cog in a deteriorating

lifestyle obsession gone awry.

We are the Egyptians.

We are the Romans.

We are the Aztecs.

We will become the nothingness that ensues.

We will fade into obscurity

scrutinized for our lack of life,

our lack of meaning.

Tomorrow morning,

the workforce drowning in their efficiency

will wake up to their deaths.

But who will write their obituaries?