Sunday, February 27, 2005

Heres my Mark

Change is impossible in a worldly sense.  All we can ever hope to do is leave a mark.  All we have ever done, as humans is leave a mark.  But how do you convey tangibles?, lust, hate...feelings in general?  One day if not already, the world will become a set of footstep and you will step where at least someone else has stepped.  Theres nothing left to conquere, no more magical places with mystery and monsters.  What were left with is unfinished property lined fences, litter, and the life of the forgotten.  All we can ever hope to do is leave our mark.  Something that will stand the test of time.  Something that will mean something to someone.  Something real!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. sooo true sooooo true.  I was actually thinking about that like a few days ago...what a weird coincedence.