Tuesday, June 19, 2007

“Says He’s Held Up With Holding On And On And On And On And On”

I hope he’s who you say he is,
Your knight in shining armor
Your prince on a pedestal
The best decision of your life.
Cause I’ve choked on these words for so many nights,
And now they’re choking me up.
The things you’ll never know
The things I never told you.
Those nights…
Those nights we were young,
We’d walk the empty streets and sing our favorite songs.
Those nights we’d sit on the curb and smoke cigarettes.
We were all we needed to be.
Well I just needed you to know that…
The nights laced with electricity and life,
They will be the only thing I take with me, forever.
So when you look back on the things you’ve done,
And the decisions you’ve made
Think of me.
And those nights.
Cause I’ll be laying in my bed face up,
And thinking of your smile.
So when he tells you
“This won’t mean a thing…”
Remember he’s who you wanted.
And for the record,
“I’m held up with holding on”
So may you achieve everything you’ve ever wanted
And if you can…
Never look back.
Cause when you do,
You’ll see the person you left behind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another woman?  I’m surprised you’re not always worn out.  You make me very curious about the characters in this poem.  I also wonder if this girl knew how you felt about her.  Did she?  You suffer much love lost and unnecessarily so.  I thoroughly enjoyed your language in this poem though.  Your descriptions make this piece come alive which makes it stand out from, “just another lost-love poem”.  However, I was completely let down when I read the last line.  You worked up to a really incredible climax and I thought you were going to leave me breathless and sad and instead you used a line that ruined your smooth flow with, “You’ll see the person you left behind.”  I kid you not when I say this, when I read that last line out loud I said, “What the hell?”