Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Boxer

Her ghost haunts this place
long winded discussions of life and love,
heartbreak and loss…
whole hearted, half drunken allegiances.,
But she abandoned me,
this woman to my left.
My companions of drunken sorrow.
All of them,
have found their king
never aware of the one that sat right next to them.
No, but I was never a contender
I was just the punching bag
they used to stay strong
…to stay sharp for that title fight.
But I wasn’t done being used…
abused, suffering in silence
like an obedient house wife.
But the time has come
(and the big show is now)
and you’ve always known,)
you were the prize in this fight.
So take his title
(yeah, his last name)
cause it suits you well.
And maybe now,
…you can retire a champion.

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