Friday, June 26, 2009

Fall In Love With Everyone You See

I drink, I smoke and I write
because I do not greave.
I do not let things die.
Death is not an option.
I folded a winning hand
and I threw my drink in
life's face.
The only thing I have ever let die
is their notion of who I was
supposed to be.
Now I walk the margins of sanity.
I've sailed to the end of the
earth hoping that I would fall off.
I live alone watching myself
from afar, in an out of body experience.
People flow in and out
like a crowded bar,
always trying to catch me at happy hour.
Always trying to take what they can,
while giving nothing in return.
All of the women who have ever loved
me, said they couldn't be with me.
This man once told me:
"Don't fall in love with everyone you see."
But it's impossible not to,
so I write about them.
So that a piece of that love
may live on after my heart grows hard.
So sit with me on a stoop in this lazy
Los Angeles weather.
Share a cigarette, pass the 5th.
Maybe we'll fall in love,
maybe we'll fuck,
maybe I'll remember your name.
But when it's all said and done,
I'll sit on this stoop 10 years from now
and remember that night.
The day fire, candle wax,
and volcanic ash drip from the sky
I will have a lot of stories to tell
and a lot of faces to remember.
Will you?


Sierra Bonita Love said...

you are pretty good at what you do. im intrigued. found you on twitter while I was at work. keep writing...

Indiekidkc said...

Thank you Sierra Bonita Love. If you'd like you can DM me and I'll follow you back.