Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mix Tapes

They say the shortest distance
between two points is a straight line.
Well I say the shortest distance
between two souls is a power chord.
For some of us music fills the cracks
that life forgets about.
It's the glue that holds us together.
It's what bonds these loosely knit souls.
These songs are memories.
These albums are friends.
These artists are saviors.
For us,
sharing music is sharing a piece of yourself.
Mix tapes become an act of communion.
It's through this that I
give a piece of myself to you.
A unique piece that only you have.
My only wish is that one day this
may be a memory,
and that a smile will crawl across
your face as you remember it.


Punkarella said...

Love it and love your mix tapes.

Anonymous said...
